History of Islamic Civilization in East Africa
8 January، 2019
The Role of Omanis in Promoting Agriculture in Zanzibar and the Political, Economic and Cultural Results: 1832-1963
8 January، 2019The Lion of the Omani Seas Ahmad Bin Majid: A Historical, Literary, Literary and Literary Study
About the books
This book, entitled “The Researches and Studies Series in National and International Records 6-7”, represents an extension of the series issued by the Authority. The Authority published this series seeking to enrich research and study field and to provide the national and international library with publications that serve researchers and scholars. These series include a methodological study of the personality of the Lion of the Omani Seas, Ahmed bin Majid in two volumes. The first volume, the sixth book of the series, is a historical, documentary, literary and linguistic study of Ibn Majid while the second volume, seventh book of the series, highlights the personality of the Lion of the Omani Seas in the studies of Europeans and Orientalists.
Researches and Studies Series in National and International Records
“The Lion of the Omani Seas Ahmad bin Majid: A Historical, Documentary, Literary and Linguistic Study” (part I)
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