The Library


The National Documents and Archives Authority was established by Royal Decree No. 60/2007. Shortly thereafter, the Commission collected thousands of books. The idea was to establish a library to support all beneficiaries in various fields.

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Library Objectives

  • Providing information services to beneficiaries

  • Initiative in the transfer of scientific intellectual heritage.

  • Strengthening scientific research and contributing to the dissemination of new and important information among specialists

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Library controls

Access rules

  • The beneficiary has the right to use all available vessels inside the library.

Reproduction rules

  • The Beneficiary shall be entitled to request copies of each container at a rate not exceeding 30% per day.

  • The required copies shall be delivered to the beneficiary upon completion of the copying procedures, with the possibility of delaying delivery for the following day according to working conditions.

Loan rules

  • It is permitted to loan books outside the library for the purpose of scientific research in favor of the Authority only by attaching a written letter from the Chairman of the Authority, the Director General or the Director of the Department.

  • Allowed categories are allowed outside the library to borrow up to 4 books at a time.

  • The loan period is two days renewable for a similar period and one time.

  • It is not permitted to leave the wafer outside the body building.

  • References (dictionaries, dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, translations, manuals, MAs) are not allowed outside the library.

Manuscript controls

  • The required copies shall be delivered to the beneficiary upon completion of the copying procedures, with the possibility of delaying delivery for the following day according to working conditions.

  • The beneficiary is obliged to give a copy of the manuscript, the book, to the library of the National Documents and Archives after its completion and printing.

  • The beneficiary should indicate in his research that he obtains the manuscript copy from the library of the National Documents and Archives Authority.

  • The Beneficiary undertakes not to dispose of the manuscript copy except for the purpose stated in the Proof Document.

  • The beneficiary undertakes not to upload the copy of the manuscript to the World Wide Web without the written permission of the National Documents and Archives Authority.

  • The beneficiary has the right to request two paper workers per day, and no more than one manuscript is allowed at the same time.

  • For the beneficiary who wishes to obtain hard copies of the manuscript, fill out the form prepared for this purpose.

  • It is not permitted to borrow or view the manuscript out of the library or library.

  • The beneficiary has the right to obtain a complete electronic copy of the manuscript provided that an official document is attached by the concerned party proving his need for the purpose of achieving the manuscript.

  • The beneficiary may request copies of a manuscript per day at 30% of each manuscript.

Second: Entry procedures

  • The beneficiary must present the beneficiary?s card to the receptionist at each visit and use it to access the portal.

  • The beneficiary is obliged to log into the reading room or the library in the designated register.

  • No material or equipment is allowed inside the reading room or library except for papers, pencils, personal documents, money, fabricated, and anything precious. The beneficiary must set his own personal items that are forbidden to be included in the designated treasury. The key remains in his custody until he leaves the library. The Authority shall be responsible for the loss of any custody of the Beneficiary.

  • Access to the Reading Room or Library is not permitted until the above procedures have been met.

Fourth: Departure

  • The beneficiary must return the cabinet key to the appropriate employee.

  • The beneficiary shall sign the departure in the relevant register.

Fifth: Working hours

  • Working days are from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm.

Sixth: Payment of fees

  • Fees for archival copies are paid using an electronic credit card.

First: Registration

  • Those wishing to make use of archival or library search services for the first time must register their personal data in the electronic system and provide proof of identity to the receptionist.

  • The applicant is granted a ?beneficiary card? which allows him to enter the library and library

Third: General controls

  • Adhere to calmness.

  • The Beneficiary is obliged to leave the Reading Room or the Library if requested for any emergency reason.

  • The use of floppy disks and special compact discs in the reading room or library is prohibited.

  • The beneficiary shall use the vessels that are available to him carefully and prevent the drawing, writing, bending or causing any damage to it.

  • The Beneficiary shall notify the Service Supervisor of the Beneficiaries of each torn or deformed container upon receipt.

  • The beneficiary shall be responsible for the vessels available to him until he returns them to the beneficiary service supervisor in the case at the time of receipt.

  • It is forbidden to eat, drink, smoke and use the telephone in the reading room or library.

  • In case of violation by the beneficiary, the following applies:
    1. Oral alert
    2. Caution
    3. Denial of access to the reading room or library for two weeks

  • For inquiries and assistance, refer to the Beneficiary Service Supervisor.


The Authority is keen to develop its services and raise its performance. This questionnaire is designed to know the extent of your evaluation of our services.

First: Personal data (optional)

Second: What is your assessment of our service provided at

Excellentvery goodgoodAcceptableWeak
The waiting room
very good
very good
the library
very good
Reading Hall
very good
Library Research System
very good
System Search History
very good
very good

Third: Other extensions

Thank you very much for submitting your rating ...



The National Documents and Archives Authority was established by Royal Decree No. 60/2007. Shortly thereafter, the Commission collected thousands of books. The idea was to establish a library to support all beneficiaries in various fields.

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Library Objectives

  • Providing information services to beneficiaries

  • Initiative in the transfer of scientific intellectual heritage.

  • Strengthening scientific research and contributing to the dissemination of new and important information among specialists

Connect with us

Library controls

Library controls

Access rules

  • The beneficiary has the right to use all available vessels inside the library.

Reproduction rules

  • The Beneficiary shall be entitled to request copies of each container at a rate not exceeding 30% per day.

  • The required copies shall be delivered to the beneficiary upon completion of the copying procedures, with the possibility of delaying delivery for the following day according to working conditions.

Loan rules

  • It is permitted to loan books outside the library for the purpose of scientific research in favor of the Authority only by attaching a written letter from the Chairman of the Authority, the Director General or the Director of the Department.

  • Allowed categories are allowed outside the library to borrow up to 4 books at a time.

  • The loan period is two days renewable for a similar period and one time.

  • It is not permitted to leave the wafer outside the body building.

  • References (dictionaries, dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, translations, manuals, MAs) are not allowed outside the library.

Manuscript controls

  • The required copies shall be delivered to the beneficiary upon completion of the copying procedures, with the possibility of delaying delivery for the following day according to working conditions.

  • The beneficiary is obliged to give a copy of the manuscript, the book, to the library of the National Documents and Archives after its completion and printing.

  • The beneficiary should indicate in his research that he obtains the manuscript copy from the library of the National Documents and Archives Authority.

  • The Beneficiary undertakes not to dispose of the manuscript copy except for the purpose stated in the Proof Document.

  • The beneficiary undertakes not to upload the copy of the manuscript to the World Wide Web without the written permission of the National Documents and Archives Authority.

  • The beneficiary has the right to request two paper workers per day, and no more than one manuscript is allowed at the same time.

  • For the beneficiary who wishes to obtain hard copies of the manuscript, fill out the form prepared for this purpose.

  • It is not permitted to borrow or view the manuscript out of the library or library.

  • The beneficiary has the right to obtain a complete electronic copy of the manuscript provided that an official document is attached by the concerned party proving his need for the purpose of achieving the manuscript.

  • The beneficiary may request copies of a manuscript per day at 30% of each manuscript.

General Rules and Procedures of the Library

Second: Entry procedures

  • The beneficiary must present the beneficiary?s card to the receptionist at each visit and use it to access the portal.

  • The beneficiary is obliged to log into the reading room or the library in the designated register.

  • No material or equipment is allowed inside the reading room or library except for papers, pencils, personal documents, money, fabricated, and anything precious. The beneficiary must set his own personal items that are forbidden to be included in the designated treasury. The key remains in his custody until he leaves the library. The Authority shall be responsible for the loss of any custody of the Beneficiary.

  • Access to the Reading Room or Library is not permitted until the above procedures have been met.

Fourth: Departure

  • The beneficiary must return the cabinet key to the appropriate employee.

  • The beneficiary shall sign the departure in the relevant register.

Fifth: Working hours

  • Working days are from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm.

Sixth: Payment of fees

  • Fees for archival copies are paid using an electronic credit card.

First: Registration

  • Those wishing to make use of archival or library search services for the first time must register their personal data in the electronic system and provide proof of identity to the receptionist.

  • The applicant is granted a ?beneficiary card? which allows him to enter the library and library

Third: General controls

  • Adhere to calmness.

  • The Beneficiary is obliged to leave the Reading Room or the Library if requested for any emergency reason.

  • The use of floppy disks and special compact discs in the reading room or library is prohibited.

  • The beneficiary shall use the vessels that are available to him carefully and prevent the drawing, writing, bending or causing any damage to it.

  • The Beneficiary shall notify the Service Supervisor of the Beneficiaries of each torn or deformed container upon receipt.

  • The beneficiary shall be responsible for the vessels available to him until he returns them to the beneficiary service supervisor in the case at the time of receipt.

  • It is forbidden to eat, drink, smoke and use the telephone in the reading room or library.

  • In case of violation by the beneficiary, the following applies:
    1. Oral alert
    2. Caution
    3. Denial of access to the reading room or library for two weeks

  • For inquiries and assistance, refer to the Beneficiary Service Supervisor.



The Authority is keen to develop its services and raise its performance. This questionnaire is designed to know the extent of your evaluation of our services.

First: Personal data (optional)

Second: What is your assessment of our service provided at

Excellentvery goodgoodAcceptableWeak
The waiting room
very good
very good
the library
very good
Reading Hall
very good
Library Research System
very good
System Search History
very good
very good

Third: Other extensions

Thank you very much for submitting your rating ...

  • Closed until further notice

Contact Information

  • E-mail

  • The phone

