The authority signs an agreement with Portugal
2 June، 2018The authority signs an agreement with the Tunisian National Archives
2 June، 2018The Authority signed an agreement with the British Cambridge for Publications on 21/2/2011.
His Excellency Dr. Hamad bin Mohammad Al-Dhouyeni head of the National Records and Archives Authority signed an executive contract for researches, photographic reproduction of documents, reports and correspondences with the British Cambridge Institution for Publications. The agreement consists of appointing researchers to work for a period of 18 months and it gives the authority the right to approve and certify released documents and publications. the authority has the right to put its name on any of these releases after agreement between the two sides. The two bodies should agree upon documents they intend to release. The contract includes work in the following British institutions.
British Resident Archives Office in the Gulf from the period 1763 – 1947 and includes 260 volumes.
• British Archives Agency in Muscat from 1800 till 1947 and comprises 110 files.
• Internal correspondence with other departments in London from 1807to 1911 and of consists of 471 volumes.
• Indian correspondence with the Government of Bombay from 1875 to 1911 .This series includes 354 volumes.
Correspondences with the British Resident Office in the Gulf and includes 196 volumes of correspondences with the areas outside of India such as Zanzibar and the Gulf.
• Administrative Units’ Records and political and confidential files from 1902 to 1930 .This series includes more than 1315 volumes
• Foreign Public Office’s correspondence and slave trade correspondence and includes 42 volumes.
• correspondences ,protocols, treaties and various documents up to 1905 .
• British Embassy’s archives in Washington which includes 4 files belonging to the Sultanate .
• One file for The British embassy’s archives in Cairo.
• The archives of the British delegation to the Peace Conference in 1919 and includes files belonging to the Sultanate
• British Embassy’s archives in Baghdad.
• The archives of the British Office in the Middle East.
• The archives of the British convoys to the United Nations in New York and the archives of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and includes about 392 files.
• British government’s departments’ archives and include the Prime Minister’s Office which itself includes 9 files and the prime minister’s Cabinet and the Admiral Office ( Naval Command Office – Ministry of Defense – Ministry of Aviation – Royal Air Army including aviation , airports, and the study of the British Royal Currency and the Office of Public Records and the British Council.
The authority is looking forwards to providing itself with a bank of documents for the various relationships of the Sultanate with different countries of the world and for this purpose it will increase its activities to cooperate with records’ bodies all over the world looking for archives and documents belonging to the Sultanate. This endeavor is a step further for preserving the Omani ancient memory and constructing banks of reliable resources for researchers and specialists. The contract will also include photography and reproduction, the Ministry of Retirement and the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Labor and Internal Revenue and the Board of Foreign Trade, Oil and Treasury. The authority is currently working to complete the study to include all of the meteorological office and the Office of the House of Commons and House of Lords’ Library.
Administrative Units’ records and annual political and confidential files from 1912 to 1930 and includes 102 files.
• Political records and annual confidential files from 1930 to 1950 and includes 200 files for the Sultanate.