Sterilization of Records


Records Sterilization System adopted by National Records and Archives Authority is an integrated structure system that is easy to be used and applied. It involves sterilizing records, records surrounding environment and stores. NRAA believes that sterilization process is an important stage for records during their existence in its stores.

Importance of sterilization of  Records




Eliminating pests and fungi existing in records and manuscripts papers and leather covers that might result in destruction of these papers and could affect other papers.

Considering the safety of records staff, users and researchers.

records, the surrounding environment and the environment in which they will be kept.

About the sterilization activity in the Authority

Sterilization activity began effectively in NRAA in 2011. In the beginning, the process was conducted by using VELOXY which is a device that works through preventing oxygen and replacing it with nitrogen gas bubbles specially designed for this purpose from polyester. In such way, sterilization process takes a minimum of 21 days to complete elimination of insects and their eggs as well as all aerobic microorganisms. Thymol, which is tablets turned into gaseous state by direct heat to produce Thymol substance, has been used in sterilizing documents. However, after growing fungi and bacteria in the documents after being sterilized, the result showed that VELOXY device and Thymol are ineffective in eliminating the fungus and bacteria completely, yet their impact were more clear on insects. Thymol also effects on yellowing documents and causes an allergy for people.

Thimol has been tested in the sterilization of documents, which is a disc that turns into the invasive state by indirect heat, which excludes thymol.

But after cultivating the presence of fungus and bacteria in the documents after sterilization, it was found that the phyloxy device and thymol is ineffective in the elimination of fungi and bacteria completely. Their effect on insects was even greater. Thymol also affects the yellowing of documents and causes allergies to people

Therefore, NRAA’s team started a researching journey to find an effective substance, which can fully destroy insects, fungi and bacteria and meets the following criteria




Effective in eliminating 100% of fungi, bacteria and insects.

Secure on records and causes no yellowing or ageing effects on records

Safe on individuals working in records sterilization.

Most of the international archives in the world have been contacted about the material used in the sterilization process. For example, European countries do not use equipment and only 75% alcohol content. The growth of fungus and bacteria is very mild.

While the tropical countries with volatile weather and very hot weather during the summer, varied in the use of sterile materials and sterilization devices. The types of materials and equipment used are: dry cooling device, use of ozone gas, use of ethylene oxide and formaldehyde use

After studying and analyzing the responses received from international archives, and conducting comparisons and tests on the records, the team come up with the following conclusions




Alcohol is an ineffective substance to eliminate fungi, bacteria and insects found in the records of NRAA because it is an active substance against simple types of microbes only.

Dry cooling device is ineffective in the elimination of all fungi, bacteria, and insects, and its effect is limited in inhibiting of the activity of such fungi and bacteria.

Ozone, Ethylene Oxide and Formaldehyde are all harmful to human health and some of them are carcinogenic substances

Research continues for an effective device eliminating microorganisms without causing any damage to the records or the staff working in sterilization. Thus, NRAA’s team has communicated and visited several countries with view to look at their experiences in sterilization field (Czech, South Korea, and Malaysia)
Finally, the team chose the BIOMASTER device from a Korean company and visited this company, and certain government and private institutions that use this device. A test on the device effect on inks has been done in Malaysia, and found that it neither moves nor affects the inks.
The MASTER-BIO 150AC was launched by NRAA on August 7, 2014. The Sultanate is considered the first in the Middle East to own this type of equipment and the third in the world after Japan and Malaysia.


Cultivation of microorganisms before and after sterilization


Sterilization of documents


Cleaning documents

Steps of Sterilization Process

Cultivation of microorganisms before and after sterilization
Microorganisms are cultivated in dishes prepared for this purpose. This process takes place in Biology Lab.

tab2 cover

Objectives of Biology Laboratory

To control the quality of sterilization process by growing microorganisms before and after sterilization process

To educate the owners of the records, either governmental or private, of the harms of dealing with records without being sterilized

To inspect work and records storage environment and make sure that they are free from any living microorganisms.

Biology Lab is prepared according to meet the international standard specifications and all security and safety measures. It also has first aid, emergency and fire equipment. The lab is equipped with ceiling ultraviolet lamps (UV light) to eliminate the microbes on the surface of furniture. Air purification and refurbishing devices (ABIOS) are also available in the lab. Lab?s floor is made of Epoxy substance which makes the floor non-slip and resistant against fungi, bacteria and insects growth.

In biology lab, a sample from records is taken and grown in petri dish. These dishes are furnished with special nutritious substance to stimulate the growth and reproduction of fungi, bacteria and insects and are prepared in the lab under appropriate and strict conditions in order to prevent any contamination


After that, the dish is placed in an incubator providing similar circumstances in which fungi and bacteria grow to encourage the reproduction and growth of fungi and bacteria in petri dishes. It is worth mentioning that the fungi and bacteria growth and reproduction takes from 1-7 days, depending on the type of microbes in documents.

Goals of this swap (sample)



To assess the records preservation and storage environment before sterilization. In this trend, the public and private authorities can be educated on the circumstances on which the records are kept.

To control quality of sterilization process to ensure that the records are fully free of any harmful microbial which might cause harm to records and staff.

2.Records Sterilization

Sterilization process is carried out in a separate room equipped with sterilization devices. The room is prepared in necessary technical specifications for a sterilizer BIO-MASTER 150AC, as it functions on sterilizing by evaporation using nanotechnology. The device evaporates a chemical substance called BIO-MIST NPV-S in addition to Nitrogen under high pressure and other processes that work as catalytic agents in penetrating substance to all the records.

The device accommodates in each cycle 400-page 150 books of A4 size, which is equivalent to 60 thousand single record, and each session lasts 24 hours.

The acquisition of this device is a quantum leap in technical and health levels and considered as an added credit to NRAA. The device is characterized by highly sophisticated techniques and of multiple processes. Its sterilizing substance also is friendly to environment, thanks to nanotechnology. Beside the speed and quality of performance of the device, transferring records is easy through customized records carts.


Records Cleaning

Records cleaning is a process that has to be conducted after sterilization. It contains cleaning dust and insects, fungi and bacteria’ remains. In this field, NRAA achieved great efforts in order to protect records and ensure eliminating all insects, fungi and bacteria that can affect records using the latest devices and equipment as per the safety standards.

Spirabilia & vacuum cleaner that is featured as

  • High quality device
  • Safe
  • High suction power
  • Used in manual cleaning of records and manuscripts
  • appropriated for different types of records and manuscripts

Sterilization of Records Repositories and Circulation rooms

NRAA considers protecting records as important as dealing with them. Its experience approves that protection process can save money paid to obtain new treatment devices as well as efforts and time.

Protection steps can be summarized in the following points


Cultivating fungi and bacteria in records repositories and circulation rooms using Air Sampler device to ensure microorganisms do not exist in the rooms.


Providing records repositories with sterilization devices that can be installed on walls. Experts from BIOMEST Company shall measure the amount of sterilizing substance has to be used in repositories regarding the space.


Sterilizing records circulation rooms like libraries with eco-friendly substance (BIOMEST Ultra-Pel)



Records Sterilization System adopted by National Records and Archives Authority is an integrated structure system that is easy to be used and applied. It involves sterilizing records, records surrounding environment and stores. NRAA believes that sterilization process is an important stage for records during their existence in its stores.

Importance of sterilization of  Records




Eliminating pests and fungi existing in records and manuscripts papers and leather covers that might result in destruction of these papers and could affect other papers.

Considering the safety of records staff, users and researchers.

records, the surrounding environment and the environment in which they will be kept.

About the sterilization activity in the Authority

About the sterilization activity in the Authority

Sterilization activity began effectively in NRAA in 2011. In the beginning, the process was conducted by using VELOXY which is a device that works through preventing oxygen and replacing it with nitrogen gas bubbles specially designed for this purpose from polyester. In such way, sterilization process takes a minimum of 21 days to complete elimination of insects and their eggs as well as all aerobic microorganisms. Thymol, which is tablets turned into gaseous state by direct heat to produce Thymol substance, has been used in sterilizing documents. However, after growing fungi and bacteria in the documents after being sterilized, the result showed that VELOXY device and Thymol are ineffective in eliminating the fungus and bacteria completely, yet their impact were more clear on insects. Thymol also effects on yellowing documents and causes an allergy for people.

Thimol has been tested in the sterilization of documents, which is a disc that turns into the invasive state by indirect heat, which excludes thymol.

But after cultivating the presence of fungus and bacteria in the documents after sterilization, it was found that the phyloxy device and thymol is ineffective in the elimination of fungi and bacteria completely. Their effect on insects was even greater. Thymol also affects the yellowing of documents and causes allergies to people

Therefore, NRAA’s team started a researching journey to find an effective substance, which can fully destroy insects, fungi and bacteria and meets the following criteria




Effective in eliminating 100% of fungi, bacteria and insects.

Secure on records and causes no yellowing or ageing effects on records

Safe on individuals working in records sterilization.

Most of the international archives in the world have been contacted about the material used in the sterilization process. For example, European countries do not use equipment and only 75% alcohol content. The growth of fungus and bacteria is very mild.

While the tropical countries with volatile weather and very hot weather during the summer, varied in the use of sterile materials and sterilization devices. The types of materials and equipment used are: dry cooling device, use of ozone gas, use of ethylene oxide and formaldehyde use

After studying and analyzing the responses received from international archives, and conducting comparisons and tests on the records, the team come up with the following conclusions




Alcohol is an ineffective substance to eliminate fungi, bacteria and insects found in the records of NRAA because it is an active substance against simple types of microbes only.

Dry cooling device is ineffective in the elimination of all fungi, bacteria, and insects, and its effect is limited in inhibiting of the activity of such fungi and bacteria.

Ozone, Ethylene Oxide and Formaldehyde are all harmful to human health and some of them are carcinogenic substances

Research continues for an effective device eliminating microorganisms without causing any damage to the records or the staff working in sterilization. Thus, NRAA’s team has communicated and visited several countries with view to look at their experiences in sterilization field (Czech, South Korea, and Malaysia)
Finally, the team chose the BIOMASTER device from a Korean company and visited this company, and certain government and private institutions that use this device. A test on the device effect on inks has been done in Malaysia, and found that it neither moves nor affects the inks.
The MASTER-BIO 150AC was launched by NRAA on August 7, 2014. The Sultanate is considered the first in the Middle East to own this type of equipment and the third in the world after Japan and Malaysia.

Stages of sterilization process


Cultivation of microorganisms before and after sterilization


Sterilization of documents


Cleaning documents

Steps of Sterilization Process

Cultivation of microorganisms before and after sterilization
Microorganisms are cultivated in dishes prepared for this purpose. This process takes place in Biology Lab.

tab2 cover

Objectives of Biology Laboratory

To control the quality of sterilization process by growing microorganisms before and after sterilization process

To educate the owners of the records, either governmental or private, of the harms of dealing with records without being sterilized

To inspect work and records storage environment and make sure that they are free from any living microorganisms.

Biology Lab is prepared according to meet the international standard specifications and all security and safety measures. It also has first aid, emergency and fire equipment. The lab is equipped with ceiling ultraviolet lamps (UV light) to eliminate the microbes on the surface of furniture. Air purification and refurbishing devices (ABIOS) are also available in the lab. Lab?s floor is made of Epoxy substance which makes the floor non-slip and resistant against fungi, bacteria and insects growth.

In biology lab, a sample from records is taken and grown in petri dish. These dishes are furnished with special nutritious substance to stimulate the growth and reproduction of fungi, bacteria and insects and are prepared in the lab under appropriate and strict conditions in order to prevent any contamination


After that, the dish is placed in an incubator providing similar circumstances in which fungi and bacteria grow to encourage the reproduction and growth of fungi and bacteria in petri dishes. It is worth mentioning that the fungi and bacteria growth and reproduction takes from 1-7 days, depending on the type of microbes in documents.

Goals of this swap (sample)



To assess the records preservation and storage environment before sterilization. In this trend, the public and private authorities can be educated on the circumstances on which the records are kept.

To control quality of sterilization process to ensure that the records are fully free of any harmful microbial which might cause harm to records and staff.

2.Records Sterilization

Sterilization process is carried out in a separate room equipped with sterilization devices. The room is prepared in necessary technical specifications for a sterilizer BIO-MASTER 150AC, as it functions on sterilizing by evaporation using nanotechnology. The device evaporates a chemical substance called BIO-MIST NPV-S in addition to Nitrogen under high pressure and other processes that work as catalytic agents in penetrating substance to all the records.

The device accommodates in each cycle 400-page 150 books of A4 size, which is equivalent to 60 thousand single record, and each session lasts 24 hours.

The acquisition of this device is a quantum leap in technical and health levels and considered as an added credit to NRAA. The device is characterized by highly sophisticated techniques and of multiple processes. Its sterilizing substance also is friendly to environment, thanks to nanotechnology. Beside the speed and quality of performance of the device, transferring records is easy through customized records carts.


Records Cleaning

Records cleaning is a process that has to be conducted after sterilization. It contains cleaning dust and insects, fungi and bacteria’ remains. In this field, NRAA achieved great efforts in order to protect records and ensure eliminating all insects, fungi and bacteria that can affect records using the latest devices and equipment as per the safety standards.

Spirabilia & vacuum cleaner that is featured as

  • High quality device
  • Safe
  • High suction power
  • Used in manual cleaning of records and manuscripts
  • appropriated for different types of records and manuscripts
Sterilization of Records

Sterilization of Records Repositories and Circulation rooms

NRAA considers protecting records as important as dealing with them. Its experience approves that protection process can save money paid to obtain new treatment devices as well as efforts and time.

Protection steps can be summarized in the following points


Cultivating fungi and bacteria in records repositories and circulation rooms using Air Sampler device to ensure microorganisms do not exist in the rooms.


Providing records repositories with sterilization devices that can be installed on walls. Experts from BIOMEST Company shall measure the amount of sterilizing substance has to be used in repositories regarding the space.


Sterilizing records circulation rooms like libraries with eco-friendly substance (BIOMEST Ultra-Pel)