Can the concerned body request a technical team to follow up the implementation of the record management system?

Yes, it can be organized by requesting through an official letter.

Does the modern record management system depend on the paper or electronic format?

The Omani Law defined the record as: (whatever was its dates, format, or media). The Omani Law adopts the holistic approach and the possibility of implementing the record management system in various forms according to the need and potential of the concerned body. In case the body has a modern approach to managing the record electronically, it can continue its approach after referring to the Authority to meet the specific and organized standards.

Does the Authority approve the specifications of folders and files?

Yes, after receiving a certificate from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to prove their conformity with the adopted technical standards by the Authority.

Is there a special laboratory and machines for record destruction?

Yes, the Authority owns a special laboratory for implement destruction process in accordance with the international specifications in this matter, and performs safe destruction as per security and safety specifications as well as environment protection.

Does the modern document management system depend on the paper or electronic aspect?

The Omani law adopts the holistic view and the possibility of implementing the document management system in various forms according to the need and potential of the concerned authority. If the entity has a modern approach to managing the documents electronically, it can do so after the return. To the Authority and meet the specific and organized standards for this aspect.

What is the role of the Authority in preparing places to save intermediate records?

Its roles lies in assisting the concerned bodies in terms of:

  • Preparing technical reports on the requirements of places to save intermediate records.
  • Circulating the technical specifications and following up their application in the repositories of intermediate records.
  • Regularly supervising repositories of intermediate record to ensure all procedures for the security and safety of records are provided.

What is the role of the Commission in the preparation of places to save intermediate documents?

Its role is to assist stakeholders in terms of:
? Preparation of technical reports on the requirements of places to save intermediate documents.
? Circulation of technical specifications and follow-up on their application to places of storage of intermediate documents.
? Periodic supervision of the places of storage of intermediate documents to ensure the provision of all procedures for the security and safety of documents.

Access to Record Department

What are the internal controls and procedures to access to the archives?

First: Registration

  • Those who wish to get benefit from the services of the Reading Room have first to register their personal information with the receptionist and provide proof of identity. Then fill out the form prepared for this purpose. Students should bring a proof of their enrollment/ their university cards.
  • The receptionist shall issue a beneficiary card for the visitor that it validity shall be determined according to the purpose of the research and shall be divided into:
  1. A beneficiary card valid for one year for Omani postgraduate students and residents in the Sultanate.
  2. A beneficiary card valid for six months for undergraduate students and for other research purposes for Omanis and residents in the Sultanate.
  3. A beneficiary card valid for a period of one month for those who request for temporary search and for visitors from outside the Sultanate.

Second: the procedures of entering the room

  1. The beneficiary must provide the beneficiary?s card and ID card to the receptionist at each visit.
  2. The beneficiary must register the entry to the hall in the registry.
  3. No materials or equipment are allowed in the access hall except for papers, pencils, personal documents, money, jewelry and all valuables. The beneficiary must put his personal belongings in the designated closet, and the key must be with him until the time he leaves the room. The Authority is not responsible for the loss of any belongings of the Beneficiary.
  4. Entering to access hall can not be granted before the beneficiary completes the above mentioned procedures.

Third: Controls of accessing to the hall

  1. The employee may direct the beneficiary to sit at a particular table for purposes of the work.
  2. Arguing or discussion with staff on the applicable policies of the Authority is prohibited, although comments are submitted in writing and placed in the Suggestions and Complaints Box.
  3. Visitors should adhere to the order and calmness inside the access hall.
  4. Eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited inside the access hall.
  5. The beneficiary may ask for assistance from the competent employee.
  6. The employee may ask the beneficiary to leave the room for any emergency or disorderly reasons within the hall.

Fourth: Rules of Archives photocopying

  1. The beneficiary may request copies of the archives at 30% per day.
  2. The required copies shall be submitted to the beneficiary immediately after coping, with the possibility of postponing submission to the following day according to work conditions.

Fifth: Payment of fees:

  1. Fees for copies of archives shall be paid by using an electronic credit card.

Sixth: Procedure of leaving:

  1. The beneficiary shall return the key of the closet to the employee.
  2. The beneficiary shall sign before leaving in the register.

Seventh: The Working Hours at the Access Hall:

  1. Working days from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm.
  2. What are the controls and general procedures of accessing to the archives?
  3. The rules and procedures of accessing to the archives at National Record & Archives Authority (NRAA).

What are the controls and general procedures?

  1. Article (1)
    The accessing to the archives at NRAA shall be conducted according to the following rules and procedures:
    1- The beneficiary may use computers for searching for references of records, and ask for a help from the supervisor of the hall.
    2- The beneficiary may use the paper search tools available in the Access Hall and return them to their places at the end.
    3- The beneficiary may request four files per day, and no more than one file or record unit at the same time. The beneficiary shall return the archives before obtaining others.
    4- The access to the archives shall be inside the Hall, and the beneficiary shall be responsible for the archives and return them to the supervisor.
    5- The beneficiary shall inform the supervisor for any torn or cut found in archive.
    6- The beneficiary shall keep the order assigned for the files of the archives and inform the supervisor for any file that was disordered.
    7- The beneficiary shall use the archives carefully. Drawings, writings, or cause any damage for the archives are prohibited.
    8- The beneficiary shall return the files to the supervisor in its original condition.
    9- The beneficiary may take one file for two consecutive working days, and the file shall be returned to the hall on the next day.

Article (2):

Every person allowed to access to Archives may have copies of the archives according to the following rules and procedures:

  1. Copying request shall be submitted to the supervisor of the hall as per the prepared form.
  2. The copying of Archives shall be provided according to the limitations that insure keeping the archives save to meet the purposes of research and citation within the number permitted by the Authority.
  3. The circulation of the copied archives and their use for commercial purposes shall be prohibited without a written consent issued by the Authority.
  4. The beneficiary may obtain certified copies of the required Archives after submitting a request prepared for that and paid the fees.
  5. The beneficiary may obtain   paper or electronic copies of the Archives after paying the fees.

What are the controls and general procedures?

Rules and procedures for access to archives in the National Documents and Archives
Article (1)
Access to the archives shall be in accordance with the following rules and procedures:

1. The beneficiary may use the computers in the auditorium to search for the references of the documents to be consulted.
2. The beneficiary shall use the paper search tools available in the Hall of View to be returned to their places upon completion of their use.
3. The beneficiary may request four files per day, and no more than one file or document unit may be made available at the same time. The beneficiary shall return the archives that were made available to him prior to obtaining other documents.
4. The archives are kept in the reading room, and the insider is responsible for the archives that are available to him to refer them to the auditor of the hall.
5. The Beneficiary shall inform the Auditor of the Hall of Inquiry of each shredded or distorted document upon receipt.
6. The beneficiary shall maintain the order assigned to the archives within the file, and inform the auditor of the review hall of any file that has a defect in the order of its documents.
7. The beneficiary shall use the archives made available to him with all care, and shall not prevent, write, bend or cause damage to the drawing.
8. The beneficiary shall return the archives that were made available to the auditor in the case in which they were at the time of receipt.
9. The beneficiary has reserved a single file for two consecutive working days, returning to the room the next day.

Article (2)
Any person authorized to access the archives may obtain copies, photographs or contents of such archives in accordance with the following rules and procedures:

1. The request to reproduce the archives shall be submitted to the supervisor of the Reading Hall, in accordance with the form prepared for that purpose.
2. The archives shall be reproduced within the limits permitted by the requirements for the proper preservation of the archives, the fulfillment of the purposes of research, and the citation according to the number permitted by the Commission.
3. The circulation of the copied archives shall be prohibited and used for commercial or utilitarian purposes only with the written consent of the Authority.
4. The beneficiary may obtain copies and contents certified by the archives that belong to him, after submitting a request on the form prepared for it, and payment of the prescribed fees.
5. The beneficiary may obtain copies of paper or electronic copies of the archives in the Authority, after paying the prescribed fees.

Private Record Section

What are the conditions of registering the private records?

National Test Center Announcements
National Record & Archives Permanent Exhibition Request of visiting the Authority See the description of the Seventh International Conference “Omani-British Relations”

Does the Authority restore the records? Are there any fees?

Yes, without any fees.

Can the lost ink be restored through restoration processes?

Restoration processes are limited to re-strengthening the paper carrier, installing the remaining inks, and not adding anything to the content.

Is thermal lamination helpful in preserving records?

Thermal lamination does not help to preserve the record; it absorbs the water characteristics due to high heat during lamination process, and the long-term result is destructive to the record. It loses the tensile strength and flexion, and when the plastic layer breaks down, the record begins to break and the record is prone to yellowing and loss of ink luster.

Can the faded ink be restore to its original state in the record?

The remaining ink can only be stabilized at its current level and clean spaces around it can somehow raise the level of ink clarity.

Can Thermal lamination be removed?

In many cases, thermal lamination can be removed without affecting records by using ethyl acetate and tetrachloroethylene in a warm water basin. The removal process should be undertaken manually.

Special Documents Section

Toggle title

Bring the special documents to be recorded with personal data

What does the owner or holder of private records benefit from the services provided by the National Record & Archives Authority?

Owner or holder of private records shall have an electronic copy of these records with a backup copy to ensure they will not be lost. NRAA also shall sterilize and restore these records and save them in special files and bags.

What are the specifications or standards of records or manuscripts that can be sold to the Authority?

They should have a historical or scientific value and can be treated as a source for researches and studies.

What are the specifications and standards of documents and manuscripts to be sold to the Authority?

Be of historical or scientific value and can be utilized

Why are special documents kept in the National Archives and Archives?

As the national archive of the state, and a destination for researchers and scholars, an appropriate environment for the preservation of documents and archives

Do you take the original private records from the citizen?

No, but they are electronically copied