Fifth International Conference
Oman’s relations with the countries of the Horn of Africa
In historical, economic, social, cultural and cultural aspects
Republic of the Comoros, 6-8 December 2016، 68 ديسمبر 2016

The conference aims to study Oman’s relations with the countries of the Horn of Africa in-depth study, including its political, economic, social, cultural and cultural history, the unity of its regions, the richness of diversity in its societies, the continuation and change of its customs and traditions, and the enrichment of cultural coexistence. The Sultanate of Oman and the countries of the Horn of Africa to highlight these aspects and the embodiment of this relationship and continuity and the development of communication and brotherhood, and the consolidation of this for generations while linking these communities from strong family relationships; The National Documents and Archives Authority in Oman has decided to establish this international conference to review the history and civilization of Oman and the Horn of Africa countries and to explore the historical roots and sources of development. History is the repository of experiences and the discovery of facts, This is done through reference to the original sources in order to write a comprehensive history based on a scientific approach accurate and conclusive, as well as the lack of knowledge of the Arab and foreign libraries and the knowledge of the depth of these Omani depth in these areas, and the fear of the absence of this cultural achievement Historical Omani; the conference will highlight through research that will be presented to reveal a part of the cultural aspects of Oman and its humanitarian contribution to the human civilization in these areas, will also be an important asset blogger highlights the realities of this bright history of Oman, so different pens for researchers from across the globe.

Objectives of the Conference

  1. To assess the extent of Omani relations with the countries of the Horn of Africa (including the Comoros, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Djibouti and Somalia, in addition to Socotra)
  2. Evaluation of the role of the Sultanate of Zanzibar and its association with the Horn of Africa countries
  3. Analysis of historical and cultural dimensions in Asia and Africa
  4. Study the dimensions and determinants of Omani diplomacy and the Horn of Africa
  5. Focus on the cultural role played by Oman over the historical periods
  6. To shed light on the economic, social, political and cultural changes in the regions of the Horn of Africa, and the role and impact of Oman in these areas
  7. The study of migratory tribes of Oman, and their impact on the convergence and diversity of populations in the regions of the Horn of Africa
  8. Analysis of the role of European relations such as French and British in the Sultanate of Oman in Zanzibar, and its impact on Omani relations with the Horn of Africa countries
  9. The impact of Omani and Islamic civilization in East Africa and the Horn of Africa, in relation to archaeological sites, Omani maritime activity, architecture, arts, writings, inscriptions, civil installations such as mosques, palaces,
  10. The business relationship they found between ports in East Africa and the Horn of Africa
  11. Evaluation of intellectual production in its various forms in East Africa and the Horn of Africa
  12. Study the dimensions of the political and economic relationship between the Sultanate of Zanzibar and the Horn of Africa.


Conference Themes

  1. Geographical and demographic axis
  2. The historical and political axis
  3. Literary, linguistic and cultural axis
  4. Economic and social axis
  5. The axis of documents, manuscripts and monuments.

The conference aims to achieve its objectives through the following main points:

First: geographical and demographic axis

  1. Study the role of climatic and geographical conditions in deepening communication between Omanis and Horn of Africa countries (including the Comoros, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Djibouti and Somalia, in addition to Socotra)
  2. Determining the role of Omani tribes migrations and their importance to the regions of the Horn of Africa
  3. Reference to population assets, and study the impact of migrations on the nature of relationships and diversity among population populations
  4. Study the importance of cities established by Omani immigrants in East Africa and the Horn of Africa
  5. Studying the importance of navigation and maritime communication between the Omani ports and the countries of the Horn of Africa
  6. To analyze and analyze the role of Oman and its geographical location, and the links of the neighborhood in different ancient and modern times with the countries of the Horn of Africa
  7. Determining the importance of the Omani human role in the knowledge of the important cities, pans and ports on the shores of the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Arabian Gulf
  8. Analysis of the demographic composition and its impact on the population and the natural environment in Oman, East Africa and the Horn of Africa
  9. Study of environmental and climatic conditions, rain, drought, hurricanes, accidents, disasters, famines and epidemics

Second: The historical axis And political

  1. Studying the role of Omani and Muslim traders in spreading Islam in the Horn of Africa (including the Comoros, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Djibouti and Somalia, in addition to Socotra)
  2. To assess and evaluate the role of Islam and Islamic kingdoms in the Horn of Africa
  3. Determining the impact of foreign occupation on economic and social communication with Oman, Zanzibar Sultanate and Horn of Africa countries
  4. Studying the pattern of relations between the Sultanate of Zanzibar and neighboring regions, including the Horn of Africa
  5. To highlight and analyze the importance of communication between the Sultanate of Zanzibar and Oman and its impact on strengthening family and civil relations between the two parts of East Africa and the Horn of Africa.


Third: Literary, linguistic and cultural axis

  1. Analysis and highlighting the role of scientific and cultural activities, including authorship, education system, methods and institutions in East Africa and the Horn of Africa (eg Comoros, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Djibouti, Somalia, Socotra)
  2. Study of the impact of Arabic on languages in the Horn of Africa and its relations with local languages
  3. Literary and linguistic analysis of the role of poetry and writings in the Horn of Africa
  4. Studying the influence of prose discourse in the local culture in the countries of the Horn of Africa
  5. Analyze and highlight the role of trips in enriching literary and cultural knowledge in East Africa and the Horn of Africa
  6. Assessment of the factors that led to the use of local languages in the Horn of Africa.


Fourth: The economic and social axis

  1. Studying and analyzing the role of Omani merchants and scientists in spreading Islam and Arab culture in the countries of the Horn of Africa
  2. To highlight the role of Islam and Muslims in the Horn of Africa (including the Comoros, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Djibouti and Somalia, as well as Socotra)
  3. Omani business in the Horn of Africa countries, and its impact on social and economic life
  4. Study the impact of the interaction of NGOs in the recovery of agricultural, commercial and social activities, trade exchange, import and export of products between the Omani and the Horn of Africa countries
  5. Determining the types of Omani commercial vessels and their impact on economic and commercial life
  6. Waqf and its types in the Horn of Africa
  7. Analyzing the social and economic effects of religious events such as the Prophet’s birth, prophetic migration, religious holidays, and Gregorian history in the Horn of Africa
  8. Determining the role of the judiciary and the Shari’a courts in daily life in the Horn of Africa

Study and highlight the common denominators between the components of society in the Horn of Africa.

Study and highlight the common denominators between the components of society in the Horn of Africa….

  1. Study of the importance of documentation in the conservation, maintenance and security of the national memory of the Horn of Africa (including the Comoros, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Djibouti and Somalia, in addition to Socotra)
  2. Analysis of the interaction of the European role and its impact on the components of documents and manuscripts in the Horn of Africa
  3. Determining the importance of manuscripts in preserving historical, philosophical, literary and linguistic aspects
  4. Studying the results of what has been documented through the documents and the effects of the Omani Islamic architecture in mosques, walls, castles, forts, palaces and houses, and others in East Africa and the Horn of Africa.


Location: Comoros Union


Time: Tuesday-Thursday (6-8 December 2016)


Conditions for participation in the conference


  1. Authenticity, renewal and direct association with the conference’s axes, and if there is overlap with articles published elsewhere, it should be clarified.
  2. ألاّ يكون البحث قد سبق عرضه في ندوات أو مؤتمرات سابقة، وألاّ يكون منشوراً.
  3. The search has not already been presented in previous symposia or conferences, nor has it been published.
  4. The abstract should be 250 words in Arabic and English.
  5. The total number of words in the search should be 5000 words.
  6. Do not share more than one person in one search.
  7. The font type for research in Arabic and English (Times New Roman) is 16 for title, 14 for title, 12 for article.

And include footnotes and references to the references in the research as described in the attached Annex, “Method of documenting references and articles”

  1. The researcher is only allowed to participate in one research.
  2. The search should be printed and presented in the form of a magnetic disk or sent via e-mail to the conference.
  3. The Scientific Committee shall be entitled to apologize for not accepting any research paper in the event of non-compliance with scientific requirements.
  4. Papers accepted in the Conference will be published in a special volume and upon the recommendations of the Scientific Committee, with the copyright holder retained.
  5. Write the bibliography at the end of the search and do not include the search footnotes at the bottom of the pages
  6. Fill out the participation form which includes the following:
  • Personal data
  • A recent portrait
  • Abstract of the research in Arabic and English
  • CV in Arabic and English
  • Copy of valid passport until mid 2017


Dates for abstracts and research:

  1. The conference papers are prepared in one of the conference’s axes.
  2. The participation form is sent to with a copy of the passport valid for more than six months and a personal photo
  3. Deadline for receipt of the participation forms and the abstract on 18 June 2016.
  4. The researchers who were admitted to the conference are notified on 27 June 2016.
  5. To send the full research to the Scientific Committee of the Conference no later than 30 September 2016.
  6. The decision of the final jury will be sent to the Congress after it has been sent in full on 23 October 2016.

For further inquiries and information about the conference, please contact or call (+968) 24130334/24130340


How to document search from references and articles

The method used in the humanities such as religions, languages, literature, philosophy, education, history and others. This method is called MLA abbreviation Modern Language Association is a modern language organization which should follow the writing of the research and described below:


  1. Writing books.
  2. Writing articles for articles.


  1. Writing books


  • If the reference is one author.
  • If the reference has two authors.
  • If the reference has three or more authors.
  • If the author’s name is not mentioned.
  • If the book is without an author but there is an author, editor or translator.
  • If the book has an author, translator, author, author, author or editor.
  • If the book contains more than one part we used one part.
  • If the book is part of a book series.
  • The author of the book is a university or institution.



If the reference is one author:

Last Name Author, Personal Name Author. Book name. Place of publication: Publishing House, Sunnah.

Example: Tunisian, Ismail. History of France. Beirut: Generation House, 1980.


If the reference has two authors:

First author’s first name, first name of first author, second author’s name as recorded in book. Name of the book Publication Place: Publishing House, Sunnah.

Example: Tunisian, Mahmoud, Ali Qatami. Translation theories. Cairo: Dar Al-Hilal, 1975.


If the reference has three or more authors:

First Author’s First Name, First Author’s First Name, et al. Book name. Place of publication: Publishing House, Sunnah.

Example: Qatami, Naifah, et al. Educational psychology. Beirut: Generation House, 1990.

If the author’s name is not mentioned:

Book Name, Place of Publication: Publishing House, Sunnah.

Example: Free economy. Beirut: University House, 1995.


If the book is without an author but there is an author, editor or translator:

Name of the interpreter or person, person’s name, address). Name of the Book. Place of Publication: Publishing House, Sunnah.

Example: Algerian, Abdel Salam Mohamed, editor). War and Peace (Cairo: Dar Al-Hilal, 1985).


If the book is without an author and with two translators, translators or editors:

The name of the family of the teacher, the personal name of the first teacher, the name of the second instrument as written in the book. Book Name, Place of Publication: Publishing House, Sunnah.

Example: Damascene, Ibrahim, and Samir Baghdadi, English poetry. Beirut: Lebanon Library, 1973.


If there is a book without mentioning the name of its author, three translators, editors, translators or more:

Example: Al-Baghdadi, Ayoub, et al. Applied Psychology. Amman: Dar Al-Fikr, 1995.


If the book has an author, translator, author, author, author or editor:

The author’s family name, the author’s personal name. Book name. Preparation of the name of the instrument from the personal name to the family. Place of publication: Publishing House, Sunnah.

Example: Al-Baghdadi, Radwan. Abbasid poetry. Edited by Abdel Salam Damasche. Beirut: Dar al-Ilm for millions, 1983.


If the book contains more than one part and we used one part:

The author’s family name, the author’s personal name. Book name. The part I used. Edition. Place of publication: Publishing House, Sunnah. Number of parts of the book.

Example: Secretary, Mohsen. The key to happiness. C. I. 1, Beirut: Modern Dictionary House, 1969. 4 c.


If the book is more than one part and used more than one part:

Last Name, First Name. Book name. Parts used. Edition. Place of publication: Publishing House, Sunnah. Number of parts of the book.

Example: Secretary, Mohsen. The key to the gardens 1-2. 4. I 1, Beirut: Modern Dictionary House, 1969. 5 c.


If the book is part of a book series:

Author’s last name, first name. Book name. The serial name and number if the serial number is available. Place of publication: Publishing House, Sunnah.

Example: Sayeh, Ahmed Abdel Rahim. Orientalism in the balance of criticism of Islamic thought. Series “Orientals and Islam” 6. Cairo: The Egyptian Lebanese House, 1996.


Book published before 1900:

Author’s last name, first name. Book name. Number of parts. Place of publication, publishing house if available, year.

Example: Ibn al-Atheer, full of 11-part history. Leiden, 1851-1876.


If the source is an article from Encyclopedia:

Author’s name, personal name If there is an author of this article in this encyclopedia, if there is no author write the name of the author of the encyclopedia. “Article Name.” Name of Encyclopedia (Year), Part, Pages.

Example: Tunisian, Ibrahim. “Acquisition of Language” (1952), 9, 560-566.


  1. Writing articles for articles


  • If the source is an article from a scientific journal (Journal):
  • If the article is from a weekly or monthly magazine (Magazine).
  • If the article is from a daily, bi-weekly or weekly newspaper (Newspaper)


If the source is an article from a scientific journal (Journal):

Type the author’s family name, personal name. “Name and article.” Journal Name and Number (Year): Number of Pages.

Example: Mawasi, Farouk. “Wael and his fiancée.” University 2 (1998): 44-66


If the article is from a weekly or monthly magazine

Author’s last name, first name. “Article Name.” Journal Name, Issue Year Month: Number of Pages.

Example: Omar, Ahmed Mokhtar. “Disaster in language deviations.” Summary, 46 September 2000: 74-78.


If the article is from a daily, bi-weekly or weekly newspaper (Newspaper):

Name of the owner of the article, personal name. “Article Name.” Newspaper Name, Day Month Year, Pages.

Example: Zidane, Jamil Bastami, Mohamed “Protest.” News of literature, September 3, 2000: 26.


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The Fifth International Conference Oman’s Relationships with the Countries of the Horn of Africa

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