2 June، 2018
The adoption of the Private Records’ Management System by the Ministry of Legal Affairs
The adoption of the PrivateRecords’ Management System by the Ministry of Legal Affairs on 6/6/2012 His Excellency Dr. Abdullah bin Mohamed A’Saadi minister of Legal Affairs adopted the procedural tools for  the Private Documents’ Management System at the headquarter of the ministry in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Hamad bin Mohammad Al-Dhouyeni head of the National Records and Archives Authority. His Excellency minister of Legal Affairs after signing the […]
2 June، 2018
Oman for Press, Publishing and Advertising Institution adopted the Private Records’ Management System
Oman for Press, Publishing and Advertising Institution adopted the Private Records’ Management System on 7/8/2012 His Excellency Dr. Ibrahim Bin Ahmed Alkindi executive president of Oman Press, Publishing and Advertising Institution approved the Private Records Management System in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Hamad bin Mohammad Aldhouyeni head of the National Records and Archives Authority. The system allows the adoption of private documents’ withholding schedules and their classification methods […]
2 June، 2018
Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs has approved the private records management system
H.E Mohammed Bin Salim Bin Saeed Al-Tobi, Minister of Environment and Climate Affairs approved the system of private records management of the ministry with the presence of Dr. Hamad Bin Mohammed Al-Dhoyani, chairman of National Records and Archives Authority. This approval consists of tables for retaining the private documents and the classification system after the acceptance of (NRAA) in the final stage, depending on the law of the National Records and Archives […]
2 June، 2018
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries has approved the private records management system
Muscat, April 29 / H.E Dr. Fuad Bin Jafar Bin Mohammed Al-Sajoani, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries approved the system of private records management of the ministry with the presence of Dr. Hamad Bin Mohammed Al-Dhoyani, Chairman of National Records and Archives Authority. This approval consists of tables for retaining the private documents and the classification system after the acceptance of (NRAA) in the final stage, depending on the law of the […]