4 July، 2024
A Memorandum to Operate Wosool System was Signed at the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth
16 Governmental Bodies adopt the operation of Wosool system A Memorandum to Operate Wosool System was Signed at the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth The NRAA signed Today a memorandum to operate the “Wosool” system for managing electronic documents and records at the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth as part of the works and activities of the first phase of the “Wosool” project. This project is implemented by […]
2 June، 2018
The authority signs an agreement with the Tunisian National Archives
The National Records and Archives Authority signs an agreement with the Tunisian National Archives 12/6/2010. The authority signed on 12 June 2010 an agreement with the Tunisian National Archives in Tunis the Capital. The authority sought to build cooperative relationships with a number of archives’ units. The agreement consisted of exchanging practical experiences. Besides, the two sides insisted on cooperation in the areas of training and rehabilitation of records which […]
2 June، 2018
The Authority signed an agreement with the British Cambridge Institution for Publications
The Authority signed an agreement with the British Cambridge for Publications on 21/2/2011. His Excellency Dr. Hamad bin Mohammad Al-Dhouyeni head of the National Records and Archives Authority signed an executive contract for researches, photographic reproduction of documents, reports and correspondences with the British Cambridge Institution for Publications. The agreement consists of appointing researchers to work for a period of 18 months and it gives the authority the right to […]
2 June، 2018
The authority signs an agreement with Portugal
The authority signs an agreement with Portugal on 15/6/2012. The National Records and archives Authority signed a memorandum with the Portuguese prime minister. The agreement was the fruit of series of contacts and negotiations by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate at the Omani embassy in France. The agreement allows the Omani side to have a legal access to documents, manuscripts, maps, and any documents about the Omani […]