Beneficiary Reception
Working hours: 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM
In line with the National Records and Archives Authority's efforts to establish a documentary system based on scientific principles that contributes to organizing access to archives, ways of benefiting from them, and their proper utilization, and to facilitate their availability according to the rules and procedures governing the work, the authority has worked to provide them in a way that suits the beneficiary in both paper and digital formats.
General Rules and Procedures for Accessing Archives
First: Registration
- Those wishing to benefit from the research services in the archives or library for the first time must register their personal data in the electronic system and provide proof of identity to the reception staff.
- The service requester is granted a "Beneficiary Card" which allows entry to the archives reading room and library.
Second: Entry Procedures
- The beneficiary must present their beneficiary card to the reception staff on each visit and use it to enter through the electronic gate.
- The beneficiary is required to sign in to the reading room or library in the designated register.
- No materials or devices are allowed inside the reading room or library, except for papers, a pencil, personal documents, money, jewelry, and other valuables. The beneficiary must store prohibited items in the designated locker, and the key to the locker remains in their possession until they leave the library. The authority is not responsible for the loss of any items belonging to the beneficiary.
- Access to the reading room or library is only permitted after completing the procedures outlined above.
Third: General Regulations
- Adherence to the system and maintaining silence.
- The beneficiary must leave the reading room or library if requested due to any emergency.
- The use of personal floppy disks and CDs is prohibited in the reading room or library.
- The beneficiary must handle all materials provided with care. Drawing, writing, folding, or causing any damage to them is prohibited.
- The beneficiary must report any torn or damaged material to the User Service Supervisor when received.
- The beneficiary is responsible for the materials provided until they are returned to the User Service Supervisor in the condition they were received.
- Eating, drinking, smoking, and using phones are prohibited in the reading room or library.
- In case of violation of the rules by the beneficiary, the following actions will be taken:
- Oral warning
- Written warning
- Suspension from the reading room or library for two weeks
- For inquiries and assistance, please contact the User Service Supervisor.
Fourth: Departure Procedure
- The beneficiary must return the locker key to the designated employee.
- The beneficiary must sign out in the designated register.
Fifth: Working Hours
- Official working days are from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
Sixth: Payment of Fees
- Fees for copies of the archives are paid using an electronic credit card.
Rules and procedures for archives
Special Rules for Accessing Archives
- The beneficiary may use the computers available in the reading room to search for references to the documents they wish to view, and they may request assistance from the room supervisor.
- The beneficiary may use the available paper research tools in the reading room, provided they return them to their designated places after use.
- The beneficiary may request up to four files per day, and no more than one file or document unit may be provided at a time. The beneficiary must return the archives they have been provided with before requesting more documents.
- Archives are to be viewed inside the reading room, and the beneficiary is responsible for the archives they are granted access to until they return them to the room supervisor.
- The beneficiary must maintain the order assigned to the documents within the file and inform the reading room supervisor of any file that has issues with the order of its documents.
- The beneficiary may reserve one file for two consecutive working days, and must return to the room the next day to continue.
Special Rules for Copying Archives
- A request to copy archives must be submitted to the reading room supervisor, according to the designated form.
- Archives are copied within the limits that ensure the proper preservation of the document content, meeting research purposes, and citation, in accordance with the quantity permitted by the authority.
- The circulation and use of copied archives for commercial or personal purposes are prohibited unless written consent is obtained from the authority.
- The beneficiary may obtain certified copies of archives pertaining to them, after submitting a request on the designated form and paying the required fees.
- The beneficiary may obtain paper or electronic copies of archives held by the authority, after paying the applicable fees.