الحماية الاجتماعية
The National Records and Archives Authority Organizes an introductory session on the Social Protection System
12 September، 2024
صورة لهذا الجديد "وزير الدولة عميد جامعة الجزائر يطلع على تجربة الهيئة في مجال الوثائق والأرشيف الوطني"
The Minister of State and Dean of the Grand Mosque of Algiers Visits the NRAA
12 November، 2024
Approval of the Records Management System for Oman Air – Catering
10 November، 2024

Dr. Hamad bin Mohammed Al-Dhawyani, Chairman of the National Records and Archives Authority, and Thomas Grieser, CEO of Oman Air – Catering, successfully approved the company’s special records management system. This system contains procedural tools including records retention schedules and a classification system, following the preparation of the nominal list of records for Oman Air – Catering.

These procedural tools serve as the foundation for establishing a modern system based on the latest international standards. This system enables records registration, classification, and coding as per their designated classification scheme.

With the system now being operated, the Records Department at Oman Air – Catering, in collaboration with specialists from the National Records and Archives Authority, will train personnel on implementing the various tools of the records management system as stipulated by the Records Law issued by Royal Decree No. 60/2007.

In fact, the development of the records management tools went through multiple phases, culminating in the final approval of the retention schedules and classification system by the National Records and Archives Authority. The process included the coordination of the authority with relevant organizational structures and administrative divisions at Oman Air – Catering to prepare a nominal list of records types and files within the company, resulting in the completion of the procedural tools.

It is noteworthy that the number of entities that have adopted the special and shared records management system has reached 121, aiming to build a modern, advanced system for managing records.